
Showing posts from August, 2010

Consistency vs. Innovation

One of the most vexing user experience questions is: When must applications be consistent with each other? When is it OK to invent news ways of doing things that require users to relearn established methods? There is rarely an easy answer, but a Product Manager can play an important role in making these decisions. Most of us assume that it's a good thing when a mouse click performs the same action in different applications. Few of us miss the bad old days when every word processor had its own conventions, and there were no Windows interface guidelines and web interaction conventions. De facto standards have been created by successful products and suites, such as Microsoft Office and the Adobe suites. If you've learned one application, you've learned most of what you need to know to use another. But product designers are constantly confronted with opportunities to do things in a better , but different way. Is consistency an inviolable "must", or, as the saying ...